
Amaretto di Amore

Founder(s): Unknown

Inception Date: Unknown

ABV: 21

Age: Unaged

Region of Origin: Italy


THE LOVE STORY between Italy and amaretto started back in the 1500s during the Italian renaissance. Legend has it that Leonardo da Vinci’s art student Bernardino Luini was gifted a drink made from apricot kernels soaked in brandy by a young, widowed innkeeper, after she became his model and rumoured lover.


Rich, velvety-smooth, almond-flavored liqueur made with the crushed essence of apricot. For centuries, the flavor of rich sweet almond has been enjoyed in romantic elixirs.


Amaretto is a popular almond-flavored liqueur that is most often made with apricot kernels, though the flavor can come from almonds. Its Italian in origin and is produced throughout the world today, including the Netherlands and the U.S. It remains a favorite liqueur in Italy and has found a home in bars throughout the world. Amaretto is essential to making some of the most popular cocktails and shooters.